June 16, 2021 — FIBERSTAMP, a new power in optical interconnection field coming from Taiwan, launched a new model 400G QSFP-DD LR8 Optical Transceiver, which is of significantly innovative meaning for dealing with highly increasing bandwidth demand of data centers.
The product is manufactured with an initiative 8-lane WDM optical engine (1:8 LAN-WDM Mux/Demux (patent pending), and integrates 8-lane refrigerated EML lasers and optical detectors. It supports both 400GE (8X53 Gbps) Ethernet and OTN protocols, and well fits for data centers and telecommunication networks.
Over a long period in the past, the manufacturability of the 8-lane WDM optical engine has always been a barrier in the industry of optical transmission. After two years of deep exploring the optical engine and optical transceiver, FIBERSTAMP has developed an initial 8-lane WDM optical engine and successfully applied it in on the 400G optical transceiver. The WDM optical engine platform has great manufacturability and is applicable to FIBERSTAMP’s 800G WDM products as well.
Manufactured with mature 8*50G PAM4 integrated optoelectronic design, FIBERSTAMP 400G QSFP-DD LR8 can offer superior signal integrity. Meanwhile, the application of the 50G PAM4 CDR based on DSP technology keeps sure of excellent signal stability and performance of the product, which makes it fully meet the application of single-mode dual-fiber G.652 transmission of 10km.
The single PCB design largely simplifies the production process and improves its manufacturability. The product complies with IEEE 802.3bs 400GBASE-LR8 standard and is compatible with CMIS 4.0, making sure of its good compatibility and broad applicability.
As for the power consumption, after having chips and design scheme improved, can keep lower than 12W under multiple testing temperatures of -40~85℃, standing the top level in the industry.
The performance testing results at a glance:

The successful development of 400G QSFP-DD LR8 indicates that FIBERSTAMP has basically completed the first-generation layout of 400G data center optical interconnect product line, and made great preparation for the deployment of 800G products. FIBERSTAMP’s 400G first-generation data center optical interconnect product line now is combined by 400G QSFP-DD PCC, 400G QSFP-DD AOC, 400G QSFP-DD SR8, 400G QSFP-DD PSM8, and 400G QSFP-DD LR8, can provide data centers with complete, economic and professional one-stop optical interconnection solutions.